News - ARKU

ARKU employee personally helps in earthquake area

Written by Admin | Mar 28, 2023 6:50:55 AM

Many people who lost relatives and friends in the earthquakes at the beginning of February also live in Germany. Some of them come from Iffezheim, the home of Stephan Lorenz and his parents. His mother, Silke Lorenz, herself a trained nurse, took the decision with her husband, Thomas Lorenz, to go to Turkey to help. There they were on the road as a "Mobile Medical Team" from February 21 to March 14. Stephan Lorenz and his brother Simeon joined their parents from February 25 to March 5.

"In Germany, we got a first contact to Islahiye in Turkey. From there, we have always received more information about where help is most urgently needed," reports Stephan Lorenz, who works as an application engineer at ARKU Maschinenbau. To be able to help, he took some time off and traveled there together with his brother Simeon.

On the ground, there is a ton for everybody to do. The people who survived the earthquake are struggling with many injuries and diseases, also due to the limited access to hygiene products. Silke Lorenz treats those in need, and her husband and sons help out as best they can. Stephan Lorenz can also contribute his skills as a technician - one of his first tasks was to repair a kettle. In addition, the distribution of relief supplies is important, especially hygiene items are lacking.

Still, not enough aid has arrived, especially in remote areas. "If you've been on the ground in the area, the magnitude of it is impossible to grasp. It seems impossible and overwhelming to do anything, let alone for the people. But it is the sum of many small gestures that make a difference," says Stephan Lorenz. For this reason, he continues to welcome donations and support for those affected. At the beginning of April, Silke and Thomas Lorenz will leave again for the earthquake zone and support the local people with the help of the local church for another three weeks.

If you would like to learn more about the project and the relief organization of the Lorenz family, you can find more information via the following link: