News - ARKU

Explore new horizons in the dual study program.

Written by Admin | Aug 29, 2023 9:24:00 AM

Baden-Baden - "You can gain great experience and broaden your horizons during a stay abroad," says Toshmatov. He continues, "You can learn new things, experience a different culture and a new working environment." As a mechanical engineering student, he recently spent four weeks at ARKU's U.S. subsidiary in Cincinnati. 
The student, who is originally from Uzbekistan, set out determinedly for his travel. "I knew when I applied that ARKU offered a foreign assignment," he reports. That was one of the deciding factors for him to join the Baden-Baden-based mechanical engineering company. 

ARKU personnel department helps a lot in organizing

ARKU supports its students to the best of its ability in this regard. "First, we advise our students on whether a stay abroad at our subsidiary in Kunshan, China, or in Cincinnati is a possibility. Then we organize everything around the stay," explains HR Manager Natalie Schmid. 

Toshmatov felt welcomed as soon as he arrived at the airport. After receiving a welcome package with a welcome sign and typical U.S. snacks and drinks, he met his American colleagues for the first time, whom he had previously only known by name or at best from conference calls. "The way I was welcomed and supported allowed me to get used to my workplace on the very first day," he goes on to praise. During his stay in the U.S., he mainly supported the service team and was able to contribute his knowledge in the field of electrical engineering. In many a task, Toshmatov had to get used to American peculiarities. "I gained my first experience with U.S. standards and thus faced new challenges. The exchange with colleagues from ARKU Inc. was very helpful and I was able to learn a lot within a short time. I was also able to contribute my ideas and experience to the daily work of my US colleagues, so both sides benefitted from this exchange," Toshmatov concludes. 

Many recreational opportunities in and around Cincinnati

Leisure time was not neglected either. Whether it was the aquarium, the lookout point over Cincinnati, the military aircraft museum or cities in the vicinity such as Columbus, Indianapolis and Chicago: ARKU's location in the USA has a lot to offer.
"ARKU invests in the intercultural training of its young employees and also covers the costs incurred," adds the HR manager. As an internationally active employer, the Baden-Baden-based mechanical engineering company is fully behind this offer. "The stays abroad broaden our employees' view of our international business, i.e. the concerns of our colleagues overseas as well as our customers there. It also helps in recruiting to get good applications for our DHBW study places and to position us as an attractive employer," explains Schmid. In her eyes, they are important for an attractive DHBW education. "It clearly sets us apart from other companies of our size," says the ARKU HR manager.
All in all, Toshmatov definitely recommends visiting with a foreign subsidiary. "You gain experience that is very valuable. In addition, ARKU works with many foreign companies together, which requires a knowledge of English. The foreign assignment is a great way to practice the language," he sums up.
"We are convinced that this experience will be beneficial for both sides," says Natalie Schmid. It is true that the project involves costs and effort for ARKU. "But it pays off and is a lot of fun every time," says the HR manager.