MISA Metal Fabricating Inc. Kentucky, USA

Deburring with the EdgeBreaker® 4000. A success story from MISA Metal Fabricating Inc. Kentucky, USA.

Deburring machines: keep a clear edge

MISA Metal Fabricating, Inc. – The company is a full-service steel fabricator for the water tank, forklift, construction, agriculture equipment, crane and material handling industries. MMF routinely cuts and fabricates steel plates and sheets from 180 inches all they way up to 4.5 inches thick.

For a long time, employees with angle grinders handled the deburring and edge rounding, a process that plays a key role in the parts quality. An automated deburring solution had become essential to maintain efficiency with large order volumes.


„The oscillation of the deburring drum allows large burrs and heavy slag to be easily removed from the material for excellent results."
- Mike Talis, President

ARKU offered the company a trial run in the expanded Leveling and Deburring Center in Cincinnati. Here customers can use the EdgeBreaker® series for deburring tests or for toll processing. MMF sent some of their worst parts to deburr and edge round. Upon examining the results, the test part results were very impressive. Therefore they moved forward with the purchase of an EdgeBreaker® 4000 to allow them to work with this machine in house.


What the customer says:

 “This machine enhanced our output by approximately 20 percent, helped improve downstream processes and gave us a much cleaner atmosphere.” – Mike Talis of MMF.
