ARKU Open goes into its third round

Last Thursday, 27.7.2023, ARKU's employee tennis tournament took place for the third time. Employees from various departments as well as the management took part in this annual event. They fought until the early evening hours for the coveted tournament victory.

ARKU Open Tennis Tournament 2023

In mixed but dry weather, our employees gathered to play tennis together at the Eberstein Tennis Club (TCE) in Baden-Baden. After the draw had decided on the composition of the players, the mixed-double tournament started in the early afternoon. A total of 3 rounds were played, each with two pairs of players, and our colleagues gave their best until the early evening hours. After each round, the doubles pairings were rearranged to keep the tournament exciting and varied until the end. Of course, fun was once again the main focus this year. Team spirit and good mood were clearly noticeable.

Winner of this year's ARKU Open was Andreas Hellriegel with a narrow margin. After the award ceremony, a joint dinner was held at the TCE to conclude the tournament. In a relaxed atmosphere, the participants had the opportunity to review the highlights of the tournament and to exchange their experiences. "It was an absolutely successful afternoon. I can hardly wait to look forward to the next tournament already!", Daniel Dietrich, participant and organizer of the ARKU Open 2023, summed up with great enthusiasm.

The ARKU Open is not only a sporting event, but also an opportunity for employees to get to know each other better outside the work environment and to strengthen camaraderie. The tennis tournament promotes team spirit and shows how important it is to work together towards a common goal. The positive energy and good mood during the tournament once again showed that ARKU is a company with a cohesive and motivated workforce.

With the successful conclusion of the ARKU Open 2023, all participants are now already looking forward to next year to once again demonstrate their sporting skills and further strengthen the team spirit. The ARKU Open is not only a highlight in the annual calendar, but also a symbol for the success and togetherness of the entire ARKU team.