Leveling with robots

Automated Material Handling for Levelers

Various processing steps in the sheet metal and heavy plate industry have become faster and faster. Modern machines, for example, manage certain processes in just a few seconds. Thus, to increase your efficiency, the focus should be on ancillary processes. In general, companies often still rely on employees to load and unload precision levelers manually by hand. This kind of manual work is not only monotonous, but also time-consuming and costly. Furthermore, depending on the weight of the parts, also physically demanding. These qualified employees can be utilized more effectively for other tasks. This is where automated parts handling for loading and unloading can provide maximum efficiency.

Handling robot lifts part onto conveyor belt of leveling machine
Robot handling on the leveling machine
gripper change during parts handling


With robots instead of operators, all steps of the sheet metal processing run fully automated

No complex reprogramming when changing to different parts/materials


All in one process means cutting overhead costs

Watch Autonomous Leveling!

Our Vision Robot brings automation to the leveling machine to life. Equipped with a camera and artificial intelligence, it autonomously recognizes the stacked parts, precisely positions them in the machine, and automates the process of removing and stacking. Dive deeper into its capabilities in our video!


Flexibility for changing Requirements

The required flexibility is one reason why medium-sized sheet metal processors are hesitating with the implementation of an automated parts handling solution. They handle a wide range of products and part/sheet sizes are constantly changing. A large part of their time savings would be lost, if a robot had to be reprogrammed for a new part.

That is where cameras and artificial intelligence can be utilized. A vision robot, equipped in such a way, carries out the tasks much more autonomously: It is able to recognize the parts/sheets on the pallet and how they are positioned, select the correct gripper, and then feed the material into the machine. 


In automated parts handling, a robot takes over human tasks. Depending on the robot’s capabilities, it could take on simple loading or unloading of the machine. It can even handle more complex tasks, including parts position recognition and automatic gripper change, if required.

ARKU Levelers Suitable for Robotic Parts and Plates Handling

leveler flatmaster88
flatmaster 140