How to safely deburr various material types

Sometimes job shops receive unexpected orders. If the materials change, caution must be taken when deburring - otherwise damage to the material, or the machine, may occur.
deburring metal edges
Some job shops are setup to process different materials in various locations: Steel is processed in one location and stainless steel or aluminum in another. Materials, machines, and tools therefore remain separated.  

For divisions to be profitable, the company must first have reached the right size. So what do you do, if a customer wants a component made from a different material for just a one-time order?

In this case, the materials do not have to be separated in the fabrication facility, but they do have to be separated in the machine itself. A versatile deburring machine with a quick tool change is optimally equipped for this. However, in order to avoid danger, operators must adhere by three important precautions:

  • A separate tool set should be kept for each material type.
  • The machine should be cleaned thoroughly between each material change.
  • The different metal dusts should be separated for disposal.

A quick-change system for the deburring tools is advantageous for operators. Different tool sets prevent particles from being carried over onto other materials. The abrasive media of the right grain size is important when choosing between grits. This is because finer dusts clog the tools faster.

Additionally, the deburring machine should be readjusted for new materials. For example, aluminum is easier to deburr than stainless steel. These days, modern machine controls support the operator with an intuitive user interface and suggests the appropriate settings. Therefore, these machines are extremely flexible with regard to changing materials.