Thanks to a new drive solution, users save up to 40% on energy costs. Visitors had a direct view of the process through a large glass front, which significantly improves process control. Additional functions increase productivity, which is already 50% higher.
Visitors were also able to see the universal deburring machine EdgeBreaker® 6000 live in action. It is perfect for deburring, edge rounding and surface finishing. With rotating brushes, it achieves a uniform edge rounding result of up to 2 millimeters radius. Its flexibility makes it an all-rounder among deburring machines for a wide range of processing results, shapes and dimensions. This makes it particularly popular with laser job shops.
How machine operators achieve magical powers can now be seen on almost all ARKU leveling and deburring machines. At the ARKU booth, the EdgeBreaker® 6000 deburring machine and the FlatMaster® 55 part leveling machine were equipped with the Wizard software. This is an intelligent control system that adjusts the machine settings automatically to achieve the best results. The operator simply enters the already known workpiece data into the control system (for example, material, size of burrs, material thickness, desired edge rounding). The software then automatically selects the best machine settings for the respective processing task. The leveling or deburring machine then adjusts itself automatically.
ARKU also demonstrated the importance of leveling sheet metal parts after cutting in order to reduce unevenness and residual stresses. The FlatMaster® 55 leveling machine was on display live at the trade show booth. It incorporates ARKU's expertise from 60 years of leveling machine production and contract leveling. The ARKU part leveling machines can bring sheets, plates & parts with a thickness of up to 60 millimeters into a flat state with the lowest possible residual stresses.
Leveling was also represented on the booth at EuroBLECH in a second area: coil lines. ARKU offers these for feeding material to punching or forming presses and roll forming systems. A new addition is the coil laser systems that ARKU has developed together with TRUMPF to make working from coils economical even for medium batch sizes. Compared to blanks, cutting from coil significantly reduces waste. By eliminating the format limits, sheet metal parts can be nested more efficiently. This enables material savings of up to 30% for large parts.
Visitors to the ARKU booth at EuroBLECH received interesting information on this topic.
In a relaxed atmosphere at the ARKU Bar, many visitors took the opportunity to engage in lively discussions over coffee specialties and cocktails.

Did you not manage to visit us in Hanover?
Then we look forward to your visit to our leveling and deburring center in Baden-Baden!
Simply bring your parts with you - we will level and deburr them directly on site using our machines. You can see the quality of our ARKU sheet metal processing for yourself!